Do’s and Don’ts in Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an important phase in a couple’s life, and every man and woman want to ensure their baby is born healthy. Here are some important Dos and Donts during Pregnancy which you should consider.

Being pregnant and expecting a newborn is an exciting time for mothers-to-be as well as family and friends. From conception to childbirth, the actions of the mother have an impact on the fetus. Therefore, there is a responsibility that needs to be presumed by the mother in order to minimize any risks and strive for optimal outcomes in terms of the baby’s health. The following are some of the dos and don’ts in pregnancy that can help you ensure that both you and the baby remain in the best of health.

The Do’s

Some of the essential dos in pregnancy are as follows.

Do take multivitamins: While the best way to get the recommended amounts of vitamins of minerals is through a balanced diet, it is not always possible. Supplements such as Vitamin D and C, iron, folic acid, calcium, and so on may be taken after your doctor’s approval to ensure that you and your baby are getting all the necessary nutrients.

Do exercise and get plenty of rest: Light exercise along with good quality sleep is essential for a healthy pregnancy and will help you deal with conditions such as back pain, emotional stress, and morning sickness.

Do eat healthy food and gain weight: Once pregnant, you will most likely be asked to up your calorie intake to support your baby and your body, and gaining weight under the supervision of your doctor is an important aspect of pregnancy.

Do eat fish: Consume fish at least three times a week with low mercury content. Fish contains nutrients that are believed to be beneficial for the fetus as well as your health.

Do have sex: There are no barriers to intercourse during pregnancy as long as the water has not broken yet and there are no pregnancy-related complications such as placenta previa.

The Don'ts

Don’t smoke or drink alcohol: Both alcohol and cigarettes are extremely harmful to the baby and must not be consumed at any point during the pregnancy.

Don’t consume raw or undercooked meat or fish: Avoid uncooked or raw fish such as sushi since they pose a threat of food-borne infections that may cause serious implications.

Don’t use the hot tub: Using the hot tub during pregnancy is not recommended as exposure to heat may be detrimental to the baby’s health

Don’t consume too much caffeine: Caffeine in controlled quantities poses no threat to the baby but in excessive amounts is unsafe and may lead to severe complications. Consult your doctor to determine the acceptable daily consumption.

Don’t perform activities that involve risk of trauma: Avoid all activities that may involve a risk of physical injury, especially to the abdominal region. This includes contact sports, outdoor cycling, hiking, and other such activities.This list of dos and don’ts in pregnancy is by no means exhaustive. If you have any doubts about any activity that you wish to undertake, seek clarification from your doctor to avoid any untoward consequences.

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