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What is Muscle Pain?

Muscle pain or muscle aches are extremely common, and almost everyone at some point or the other has surely experienced it. Muscle pain is called myalgia and refers to discomfort and aches in any muscle or muscles in the body. Since muscles are present in almost every part of the body, the pain can be felt anywhere due to a number of reasons. While the most common cause of muscle pain is injury or over-exertion, in some cases, muscle pain diagnosis by a trained medical professional may be necessary to understand what is causing the pain and how it can be alleviated.


While there is no single cause that applies to all cases, there are several potential muscle pain causes such as overuse, injury, the flu, infections, autoimmune disorders, thyroid conditions, fibromyalgia and so on. Certain specific muscle pain risk factors increase the likelihood of you developing muscle pain, and these include having a physically demanding job, being an athlete or sportsman, or having certain health conditions such as those mentioned above.


While muscle pain can be a symptom itself of a range of different conditions, there are certain other accompanying symptoms of muscle pain that may indicate a more serious condition, such as persistent redness and swelling in the region, prolonged pain for months at a time, fever, fatigue, dizziness and in rare cases, difficulty in breathing.


Muscle pain treatment rarely involves complicated medical procedures since affected muscles usually respond well to muscle pain home remedies.

  • Rest: Nothing helps heal an injured or otherwise hurting muscle better than rest. It is essential to get plenty of rest and ensure that the muscle is in a state of complete relaxation for as long as possible. Assistive devices such as walkers, walking sticks and so on may be used to ensure affected muscles are not exerted.

  • Over the counter (OTC) pain relievers: Extremely helpful in reducing muscle pain and easing discomfort.

  • Cold treatment: Ice packs are very effective for muscle pain as they help reduce inflammation in the affected region and also numb the pain, thereby helping you better cope with the symptoms.

  • Gentle stretching: In some cases of muscle pain, slight and gentle stretching may be beneficial as this improves circulation in the region, which may quicken the healing process and reduce pain.

When to see a doctor

Muscle pain is usually not a cause of alarm, and in less severe cases, a visit to the doctor may not be necessary. However, if signs of infection such as rashes, redness and swelling and fever are present along with muscle pains, it is best to consult a doctor immediately. Difficulty in breathing and swallowing, dizziness and vomiting are also certain symptoms that, if present alongside muscle pains, may require immediate medical attention

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